Tuesday 23 June 2015

Introduction to my Blog

Well then, this is my blog...
Firstly let me introduce myself and this Blog and let you know what you can expect to find and read about when you visit this page.
My name is Ben, I'm 17 years old and a member of the United Kingdom Independence Party, I study politics at A-level and have a real passion for politics and making change. If I was to summarise my personal Ideology with a few key ideas they would be; Euroscepticism, Individualism and patriotism.
I have always taken a right of center stance on politics and always thought I would be a life long Conservative but the concept of a United Europe and an ever closer political union drew me towards UKIP, that and the ever so charismatic and inspirational Mr Nigel Farage and now I'm here I couldn't feel more at home. I believe they cross the traditional class divide within generic political parties and class based ideologies (Conservative and Labour), I will speak more about UKIP and why I campaign for them in future posts.

I will be posting responses to news headlines, reactions to political decisions and making my voice for an independent Britain, weather you agree with me, want to learn about this political view, debate me and argue my points or simply just shout the typical anti-UKIP rhetoric at me then go ahead, politics is a game of many sides and opinions and no opinion is worth saying if you cannot argue it.

If you have taken your time to read this I thank you and I hope you enjoy any future posts.
