Thursday 10 September 2015

The Migrant Crisis

Over the past weeks the story of this crisis has dominated both mainstream media and social media, with a wide range of views as to the action we as a nation should take to help stop this humanitarian crisis. Some talk of complete closure of borders, an idea that is economic suicide and is in fact impossible under the free movement of people. On the other hand we have the people who think we should open our doors to whoever claims to be a refugee, an equally incompetent and implausible idea.

No matter what your view as to how many people we should take or how many Europe as a whole should take, one thing is clear in my eyes we simply must stop the boats from coming. These boats are the main cause of death and suffering when people make the journey across the Mediterranean. We need to understand that thousands of people have been waiting in refugee camps for months and months and we are accepting people who are kicking the door down rather than those who are waiting with patience.

Lets look at the facts; from the people who have made it to Europe 75% of them are men, not just people of male gender but fully grown adults. This leaves only 25% of those who have landed in Europe to be women or children, does this not make us begin to question letting all of these people in? Allowing these boats to continue in the manner they currently do is funding people traffickers and gangs. That along with the constant stream of deaths that are at a direct result of these trips surely makes stopping the boats the only way to stop suffering.

First we need to look at who we are taking, with the flow of people not only being from Syria but from middle east nations where Nato forces have been present over the past 10 years. We should first of all take any interpretors who have worked with Nato forces during the conflicts, or in fact any person known to be cooperative with our forces, out of the war zone along with their families. Then we look to the camps, the people who have been waiting there for months and months and are not forcing themselves into the continent. Earlier this year ISIS said that they will use the crisis in Syria to flood Europe with 500,000 of their own soldiers, pictures of ISIS militants in Europe posing as refugees are already appearing all over the internet, compassion and sorrow simply can't be an alternative to security. The people who have come over from the Islamic State are not refugees and simply wish to destroy the west and western society and the current EU policy has absolutely no way of stopping these people from coming. Taking from the camps and stopping the boats will allow us to stop the deaths and stop this terrible crisis. Even if we start building new camps and put people on the ground to regulate them , performing the necessary checks and completing application papers to register these people, who are in most cases seeking asylum, it would be a more sustainable solution than just letting people come.

How do we fund these extra camps that I talk about and how do we fund bringing people over who are genuine refugees... Simple, we use the foreign aid budget. This is a budget that is very controversial, especially with the rise of homelessness in the UK. Surely any nation that can fund its own space programs doesn't need £293 million in aid from the UK and combined with the fact that India is one of the fastest growing economies in the modern world, nearly £300 million seems a extortionate amount to be giving out especially with the crisis at hand.

What to do in the long term? Although this crisis has only been in the media for a matter of months it has been happening for much longer than that and will most certainly continue to happen for a long time after the media gets bored. Late in 2013 ,Nigel Farage told the press that we must start taking refugees from the camps in Syria and surrounding countries. We didn't, and now we have the biggest humanitarian crisis in my life time. We have avoided this problem for so long that now it is more complex than ever, if we had started taking 10,000 refugees a year when this whole thing began it would hardly touch our current immigration figures and wouldn't make a huge difference to peoples' every day lives in this country. We would accept people over a long period of time and allow us to add to the infrastructure and cope with the rise in population but no, we ignored the problem and have ended up with a situation that is ten times worse.

Do we bomb Syria??
Destabilising a government with a terrorist organisation just a stones throw away is never the answer, no matter how disgusting and cruel the leader is. To stop ISIS we need to work with Assad, as much as people don't want to. We need to negotiate with him, not bomb his country and destabilise his government as this will just lead to more pain and suffering just like in Libya. Now the prospect of bombing Syria is even more risky due to the confirmed Russian troops on the ground there. Lets be honest, with Vladimir Putin as president, one misguided attack or false bit of intelligence that results in the death of a Russian solider at the hands of the West and it could quite easily turn into World War three...

Friday 21 August 2015

The Feminist Myth - The Gender Pay Gap

Before all the social justice warriors out there start crying and labelling me a misogynistic pig and any other traditional insults that come the way of any person that is not a Feminist listen to the argument in question before you comment.

Right so one of the key arguments in the repertoire of a social media or first world "feminist" is the "gender pay gap" a set of studies that supposedly show that women get paid around 19% less than men do, this figure was from reports published in 2014. I use the word feminist very loosely as these people have no clue about the real problems women face in 2015, things such as FGM a topic many have never heard of. Anyway these reports show that all average male earnings are indeed 19% higher than all women's average earnings. But this proves absolutely nothing...
These figures are generalised to drive a political agenda, these figures do not show that a man doing the same job as a women gets paid 19% less than them, but this is what feminist want you to believe. This is a core point in their argument that a man and a women doing the same job will get paid different amounts. This is simply not the case, they are assuming that there are equal men and women in each sector and that each gender doesn't make different life choices, even things a simple as university degrees all lead to explaining the reason for a difference in pay but all arguments seem to be shut down by these so called feminists.  

Now lets start poking holes in the argument...
According to the latest ONS figures Women between 22 and 29 earn on average 1.1 percent more than men of the same age, is there any cry to stop this inequality, no of course not. Women between 30 and 39 are in the same position but again this information is generalised not specific so is not valid.

As I have already said this report does not take into account different decisions men and women take, most of it starts with education.
In 2010 34% of women attending universities studied health or education related courses on the other hand 47% of men studied finance, business, science or engineering, these decisions help explain the myth of the wage gap.
The average earning of a graduate in the industries most dominated by women is £27,600 but for the subjects dominated by men e.g finance is £37,300. No that is not gender inequality it is different decisions.
Some people may now say that women don't get the same chances in these sectors, true that it may be intimidating to go into an environment dominated by men but if you have the will power and desire to achieve then your gender is irrelevant, hence why I know many managers and partners in an accountancy firm that are women...

Since the social outburst of this "inequality" many companies, mainly involved in the public sector have taken to using quotas, the most apparent are being used in Universities and government jobs.  These quotas are used to separate jobs to hire only one specific sex. Pretty sexist in concept but let me explain further, if a university had a 50% gender split quota (like many do) and the male quota was full, women would get in with lower grades than some of the males who were rejected. This system chooses people on their gender not based upon their skills and capabilities, the most ironic thing is this is all done in the name of equality.

Studied on a similar scale to that of the gender pay gap have found that men are more stressed due to working longer hours hence why 80% of suicides are men, men are over 90% of workplace deaths. These studies also find that men on average make more money for their firms than their female counterparts so would then get a raise due to performance and men take less and shorter holidays than women.
All of these figures explain how the pay gap doesn't really exist but a study with no specifics is used to push forward this first world feminist ideology.

So the gender pay gap, no professional economist takes it seriously (male or female), feminists pick and choose when they want equality, fancy more women in sewers or mines, no didn't think so.
There is one underlying problem with this theory, if women do exactly the same job as men but for less money, why do companies not employ all women... If I was a business owner and I could pay a women 19% less for the same job as a man why would I ever hire a man again. All of these argument just show how twisted the figures are just to fit this "feminist" agenda.

Where I got my facts:
Work place deaths:
Salary for subjects:
All figures for gender pay can be found at: 

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Introduction to my Blog

Well then, this is my blog...
Firstly let me introduce myself and this Blog and let you know what you can expect to find and read about when you visit this page.
My name is Ben, I'm 17 years old and a member of the United Kingdom Independence Party, I study politics at A-level and have a real passion for politics and making change. If I was to summarise my personal Ideology with a few key ideas they would be; Euroscepticism, Individualism and patriotism.
I have always taken a right of center stance on politics and always thought I would be a life long Conservative but the concept of a United Europe and an ever closer political union drew me towards UKIP, that and the ever so charismatic and inspirational Mr Nigel Farage and now I'm here I couldn't feel more at home. I believe they cross the traditional class divide within generic political parties and class based ideologies (Conservative and Labour), I will speak more about UKIP and why I campaign for them in future posts.

I will be posting responses to news headlines, reactions to political decisions and making my voice for an independent Britain, weather you agree with me, want to learn about this political view, debate me and argue my points or simply just shout the typical anti-UKIP rhetoric at me then go ahead, politics is a game of many sides and opinions and no opinion is worth saying if you cannot argue it.

If you have taken your time to read this I thank you and I hope you enjoy any future posts.
