Friday 21 August 2015

The Feminist Myth - The Gender Pay Gap

Before all the social justice warriors out there start crying and labelling me a misogynistic pig and any other traditional insults that come the way of any person that is not a Feminist listen to the argument in question before you comment.

Right so one of the key arguments in the repertoire of a social media or first world "feminist" is the "gender pay gap" a set of studies that supposedly show that women get paid around 19% less than men do, this figure was from reports published in 2014. I use the word feminist very loosely as these people have no clue about the real problems women face in 2015, things such as FGM a topic many have never heard of. Anyway these reports show that all average male earnings are indeed 19% higher than all women's average earnings. But this proves absolutely nothing...
These figures are generalised to drive a political agenda, these figures do not show that a man doing the same job as a women gets paid 19% less than them, but this is what feminist want you to believe. This is a core point in their argument that a man and a women doing the same job will get paid different amounts. This is simply not the case, they are assuming that there are equal men and women in each sector and that each gender doesn't make different life choices, even things a simple as university degrees all lead to explaining the reason for a difference in pay but all arguments seem to be shut down by these so called feminists.  

Now lets start poking holes in the argument...
According to the latest ONS figures Women between 22 and 29 earn on average 1.1 percent more than men of the same age, is there any cry to stop this inequality, no of course not. Women between 30 and 39 are in the same position but again this information is generalised not specific so is not valid.

As I have already said this report does not take into account different decisions men and women take, most of it starts with education.
In 2010 34% of women attending universities studied health or education related courses on the other hand 47% of men studied finance, business, science or engineering, these decisions help explain the myth of the wage gap.
The average earning of a graduate in the industries most dominated by women is £27,600 but for the subjects dominated by men e.g finance is £37,300. No that is not gender inequality it is different decisions.
Some people may now say that women don't get the same chances in these sectors, true that it may be intimidating to go into an environment dominated by men but if you have the will power and desire to achieve then your gender is irrelevant, hence why I know many managers and partners in an accountancy firm that are women...

Since the social outburst of this "inequality" many companies, mainly involved in the public sector have taken to using quotas, the most apparent are being used in Universities and government jobs.  These quotas are used to separate jobs to hire only one specific sex. Pretty sexist in concept but let me explain further, if a university had a 50% gender split quota (like many do) and the male quota was full, women would get in with lower grades than some of the males who were rejected. This system chooses people on their gender not based upon their skills and capabilities, the most ironic thing is this is all done in the name of equality.

Studied on a similar scale to that of the gender pay gap have found that men are more stressed due to working longer hours hence why 80% of suicides are men, men are over 90% of workplace deaths. These studies also find that men on average make more money for their firms than their female counterparts so would then get a raise due to performance and men take less and shorter holidays than women.
All of these figures explain how the pay gap doesn't really exist but a study with no specifics is used to push forward this first world feminist ideology.

So the gender pay gap, no professional economist takes it seriously (male or female), feminists pick and choose when they want equality, fancy more women in sewers or mines, no didn't think so.
There is one underlying problem with this theory, if women do exactly the same job as men but for less money, why do companies not employ all women... If I was a business owner and I could pay a women 19% less for the same job as a man why would I ever hire a man again. All of these argument just show how twisted the figures are just to fit this "feminist" agenda.

Where I got my facts:
Work place deaths:
Salary for subjects:
All figures for gender pay can be found at: 

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